Well here ya go!
these are all the videos we've made (We'll not all the videos)
from corporate to experimental, even the family videos - this is where you can really get a sense of our vision and approach to story telling...and fun
Our 2014 Company Reel
Our 2012 Company Reel
Global Financial Private Capital - Sarasota
Simons Hanley Conroy - Law Firm - New Yorr New York
W.A. SMITH FINANCIAL - Financial Advisor- Sandusky, Ohio
SHP Financial, Financial Advisor - Boston, Mass
Eischen Financial Group - Financial Advisor - Columbus, Ohio
Weiss Merkle Financial - Des Moines
The Trailer for the documentary film "The President Captured"
lighting hitting the Empire state building in 240fps.
A video journal, of interesting scenes I driven by
what it is that makes a cheap hotel so memorable.
Video I recorded of Birds and Planes All across these united states
A sweeping visual experience through San Francisco and Washington DC
Trailer for the documentary "Power Trip Theatrically Berkeley"
This video has gained more than 19 Million Views on Youtube
Time-lapse of Dad and Son painting on Mama's Pregnant belly "
Gender reveal. - keep your eyes on the balloons!
Story From the Delivery Room to Going Home - in 2 minutes
What pure joy looks like from the eyes of a two year old.....
Our trip to the park with bubba mama and daddy's drone
The cutest Harlem Shake video. My son as a baby a bear a spider man and more
my sons wind-up robot toy just needed to dance -
GPC FINANCIAL - Financial Advisor - Walnut Creek California
Mark Gaffney marketing consultant - Speakers Intro
Glisson Law Personal Bio - Law Firm - St Louis, Mo
Global Wealth Management - Ft. Lauderdale
SHP FINANCIAL - Financial Advisor -Boston massacusets
Simmons Hanley Conroy Mesothelioma Story - Latonya
Priority Financial - Financial Advisor - San Fernando California