Consider your marketing budget, it may range form $500/month to $20,000 a month. You spend a lot of that money on the same things month after month, seminars, mailers and recurring costs that you have to validate and commit to over and over again.
When you do video right, you spend a little more money upfront, but get a self sustaining product for years to come. You get a product that is just as effective each month, with no diminishing return and you never have to recommit resources. When its done right, it's truly done.
Our video can be a one time investment that is the cornerstone of your marketing month after month. But again, this is only when it is done right, done with full intent and care. That happens when you are working with people who know what they’re doing and most importantly are people you can trust with your image and message..
So hire us to bring your story and your message to life. Let us create that perfect introduction to who you are - and put that right on the front page of your website.
Here are the videos we recommend
-Front Page Video (company overview) 2-3mins
1 speaker $3200
2-3 speakers $4000
3-5 (TBD)
-Bio videos (introduction to a team member) 1:30-3:00 mins
$1900 per person (adjustable depending on length/depth)
$2500 (if only one)
-Full story* (upon special request) (4-8mins)
5-10 minutes full team $8,000-$15,000 (depending on the size of the team)
Note for financial advisors
We’ve worked in your industry for years, we are familiar with your compliance regulations, what you can and can’t say and how to avoid overly promissory speech or scare tactics.
We have successfully gotten every single video we’ve produced though a variety of compliance and oversight organizations.