A video journal, of interesting scenes I've driven by all across the united states
The Trailer for the documentary film "The President Captured"
Our 2011 reel - this has a lot of sports/athletic stuff, also some news promos - that's what i was doing back then
Our new 2016 PROMO we call this one "DO & FEEL"
lighting hitting the Empire state building in 240fps.
what it is that makes a cheap hotel so memorable.
Video me and my colleague blake recorded of Birds and Planes All across these united states
A sweeping visual experience through San Francisco and Washington DC
Trailer for the documentary "Power Trip Theatrically Berkeley"
This video has gained more than 20 Million Views and a bunch of national press
Time-lapse of Dad and Son painting on Mama's Pregnant belly "
The Story From the Delivery Room to Going Home - in 2 minutes
Gender reveal. - keep your eyes on the balloons!
What pure joy looks like from the eyes of a two year old.....
Our trip to the park with bubba mama and daddy's drone
The cutest Harlem Shake video. My son as a baby a bear a spider man and more
my sons wind-up robot toy just needed to dance -